Papers of Interest in NSDI 23
NSDI 23 has 24 technical sessions
- Learning with GPUs
- RPC and Remote Memory
- Congestion Control
- Distributed Systems
- Wireless
- Cloud
- Internet-Scale Networks
- Synthesis and Formal Methods
- Data Centers
- Systems for LearningSystems for Learning
- Privacy and Security
- Video
- Data
- Making Systems Learn
- IoT Networks
- Programming the Network
- A High-Speed Stateful Packet Processing Approach for Tbps Programmable Switches
- ExoPlane: An Operating System for On-Rack Switch Resource Augmentation
- Sketchovsky: Enabling Ensembles of Sketches on Programmable Switches
- RingLeader: Efficiently Offloading Intra-Server Orchestration to NICs
- Alternative Networks
- Performance
- Serverless and Network Functions
- Real Networks
- Cellular
- Testing
- LinkLab 2.0: A Multi-tenant Programmable IoT Testbed for Experimentation with Edge-Cloud Integration
- Push-Button Reliability Testing for Cloud-Backed Applications with Rainmaker
- Test Coverage for Network Configurations
- Norma: Towards Practical Network Load Testing
- Physical Layer
Interested Papers
Conference, Paper Reading — Jun 9, 2023